Click on any of the words in the list below to hear it spoken by Inga. She will repeat each chosen word three times for you.
Inga was born in the village of Invik, Nordfjord, Norway. She has lived in the U.S.A. for several years now but has spent many summers back with her family in Nordfjord.
Below should appear the audio control bar. It will allow you to pause or replay the last chosen word. It will also allow you to control the volume and muting of the sounds.
The majority of the words in this list are place names in Nordfjord. Those with following texts are generally words of common usage at a lag stevne. Some of the names may be recognized as family names since many family names come from place names and vice-versa.
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Original page created July 20, 1998.
Last updated: 3/4/2022 3:44:28 PM .
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