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The following list of Charter members was copied from the "NORDFJORDLAGETS 75th Anniversary" book.

A "*" in the first column indicates those persons who attended the organizational meeting in Como Park, St Paul, Minnesota on Septemeber 8, 1909

      Nordfjordlag Charter members   
    *  ANDERSON, John              Scarville
    *  ANDERSON, Mrs. John         Scarville  
    *  BOLSTAD, L. K.              Rake  
    *  ERIKSEN, Arnt               Rake  
    *  FOSNESS, L. K.              Kiester  
    *  MORK, A. M.                 Rake  
    *  RAKE, Arnt A.               Rake  
       STOVE, David                Northwood  
       AASEBOE, Mari               Minneapolis  
       ARNESTAD, Anders            Belview  
       ARNESTAD, Arne M.           Belview  
       ABRAHAMSEN, Hans            Belview  
    *  ANDERSON, Andrew            Clarkfield  
    *  ANDERSON, I. B.             Benson  
    *  ANDERSON, J. B.             Minneapolis  
    *  ANDERSON, Samuel A.         Wells  
    *  AURJ, John                  Bricelyn  
    *  BERGE, A.                   Terrace  
    *  BERGE, J. B.                Starbuck  
    *  BERGE, Ole                  Belview  
       BERGSETH, Andrew            Minneapolis  
    *  BERGSETH, Andrew M.         Kendahl  
    *  BERGSETH, Mathias           Minneapolis  
       BODAL, Andrew               Minneapolis  
    *  BOLSTAD, L. E.              Bricelyn  
       BORG, Sam                   Minneapolis  
       BREDVOLD, Mrs. Pernille     Belview  
       BRYNESTAD, Lasse J.         Ellendale  
       CHRISTENSON, Andrew         Minneapolis  
    *  CHRISTIANSEN, Andrew        Minneapolis  
       DAHL, Mrs. Anna             Minneapolis   
    *  DAVIDSON Lena E.            Benson  
       EIDE, Christen              Minneapolis  
    *  EIDE Nels W.                Belview  
    *  ELLINGSON, Laura            Delhi  
    *  ELVEBAK Martin              Bricelyn  
    *  ERDAHL, Absalon             Frost  
    *  ERDAHL, Rasmus              Bricelyn  
    *  ERDAHL, Sam                 Minneapolis  
       FALEIDE, Peder 0.           Minneapolis  
       FALEIDE, Steffen P.         Minneapolis  
       FENN, Engebrigt             Minneapolis  
    *  FLO Lars I.                 Bricelyn  
    *  FLOW, Charles               Minneapolis  
    *  ROSNESS Anton               Lakefield  
    *  GIMMESTAD Andrew 0.         Belview  
    *  GIMMESTAD C.                Belview  
    *  GIMMESTAD Ella B.           Belview  
    *  GIMMESTAD, Oscar            Belview  
       GJERDE, Rasmus              Minneapolis  
       GJERDI, Karen               Minneapolis  
    *  GROV Helge                  Clarkfield  
       GUDAL, Ole                  Bricelyn  
       HANSEN, HE                  Minneapolis  
    *  HANSEN, L. A.               Frost  
       HEGDAHL, Brent H.           Belview  
    *  HEGDAL, B.                  Bricelyn  
       HEGDAL, H. O.               Belview  
       HEGDAL, Knute               Belview  
    *  HELTE, William              Belview  
       HENDEN, Ole                 Minneapolis  
    *  HESTENES, D.                Bricelyn  
    *  HESTENES, R.                Bricelyn  
       HETLE, Erik                 Northfield  
       HETLE, Thor                 Belview  
       HETLE, Wilhelm              Belview  
    *  HOLVIK Ingebrigt            Belview  
    *  IVERSON Arne                Clarkfield  
    *  JACOBSEN Andrew             Terrace  
       JELLE, Lars J.              Bricelyn  
       JENSEN, A. M.               Minneapolis  
       JENSEN, Math                Minneapolis  
       JOHNSON, Jens               Belview  
       JOHNSON, John               Minneapolis  
    *  KIRKEIDE, Adolf             Minneapolis  
    *  KIRKEIDE, Knut              Bricelyn  
       KIRKEIDE, Knut              Wells  
       KIRKEIDE, Mrs. Knut         Wells  
       KIRKEIDE, Rasmus            Minneapolis  
    *  KNOF, K.                    Mankato  
    *  KNUTSEN, Helge              Belview  
       KNUTSEN, Helge 0.           Belview  
       KNUTSEN, Kolbent            Belview  
       KNUTSEN, Ole                Minneapolis  
       KOLSET, Carl D.             Brooten  
       LENVIK, O. H.               Minneapolis  
       LODEMEL, A. J.              Minneapolis  
    *  MALAND, Anders              Elmore  
    *  MALAND, John M.             Frost  
       MARDAL, Christian           Belview  
       MAURSETH, Brent J.          Clarkfield  
       MAURSETH, Math J.           Clarkfield  
       MAURSETH, Rasmus            Clarkfield  
    *  MAURSTAD, Mrs. Claus        Minneapolis  
       MELEM, A.                   Minneapolis  
       MOE, Peter                  Minneapolis  
    *  MOLDESTAD Mrs. Ole          Delhi  
       MONSEN, Anders M.           Belview  
       MONSEN, David               Belview  
       MONSEN, Gina                Minneapolis  
       MONSEN, Mrs. H.             Wells  
    *  MONSEN Hans M.              Frost  
       MONSEN, Knute               Belview  
       MONSEN, Martin              Belview  
       MONSEN, Mathias             Belview  
    *  MORK Rasmus L.              Bricelyn  
       MYKLEBUST, Ole              Minneapolis  
       MYKLEBUST, Rasmus           Minneapolis  
       NAGEL, Carl                 Minneapolis  
       NAGEL, Robert               Minneapolis  
    *  NAVELSAKER, Helge           Minneapolis  
       NESS, Elias                 Minneapolis  
       NESS, Knud                  Minneapolis  
       NOSTDAL, Mathias            Madelia  
       NULAND, John K.             Bricelyn  
    *  OLSEN Karolus               Clarkfield  
       OLSEN, Nekolai C.           Minneapolis  
    *  PEDERSON, David             Swift Falls  
       PETERSON, B. O.             Minneapolis  
    *  RAKE, Lovise                Clarkfield  
       RAKE, Olse                  Belview  
    *  RODBERG, A. A.              Benson  
       RODBERG, Andrew             Minneapolis  
    *  RODBERG Hans                Benson  
    *  RODBERG, Ole                Hanlon  
    *  RODBERG, R. M.              Benson  
    *  RODBERG, Mrs. R. M.         Benson  
       SAETTRE, Anders             Minneapolis  
       SANDE, Rasmus               Belview  
       SANDVIK, J. A.              Minneapolis  
    *  SELJESETH, Hansine          St Peter  
    *  SELJESETH, Synnove          St Peter  
       SETRE, Peter B.             Minneapolis  
    *  SIMONSEN, Simon R.          Benson  
    *  SIMONSEN, Christine         St Paul  
       SKJAERDAL, A. J.            Minneapolis  
       SKREDE, Bersvein M.         Minneapolis  
       SOLEM, Lars                 Minneapolis  
    *  STOREIM, J. O.              Ortonville  
       TAKLO, Paul                 Minneapolis  
    *  TENDEN, Mons                Minneapolis  
       THRONSTAD, Hans             Minneapolis  
       ULVESTAD, Martin            Minneapolis  
    *  VAAGE Peter                 Minneapolis  
       VERLO, Arne                 Minneapolis  
       VERLO, Arne W.              Belview  
       VERLO, David Pederson       Benson  
       VEREIDE, Louis              Clarkfield  
    *  VIK Ragnvald                Minneapolis  
       VIK, Reginald               Clarkfield  
       NORE, R. O.                 Laurel  
           NORTH DAKOTA   
       FLATAGER, Isak Paulsen      Lily  
       HAUGEN, Gilbert             Bismarck  
       HERTLE, Iver C.             McVille  
       MURI, Bernt                 Churches Ferry  
       NOSTDAL, L. R.              Rugby  
       OMDAL, Erik P.              Beresford  
       PEDERSEN, Anton             Binford  
       PEDERSON, Ole J.            Hurley  
       RAFTSHOL, Kristoffer 0.     Bottineau  
    *  RAN, Mervan    
       RYGG, A. A.                 Clifford  
       RYGG, J. A.                 Clifford  
       RYGG, L. A.                 Clifford  
    *  SKARSTEN, Anders    
       TARALDSETH, Andrew R.       Landa  
       WISNESS, A. O.              Hickson  
           SOUTH DAKOTA   
       DRAGSETH, Anders            Wentworth  
       HILSETH, Andrew A.          Routland  
    *  HOLVIK, A. J.               Madison  
       HOLVIK, James A.            Madison   
    *  LILLEHAUG, Balser           Lane  
       PEDERSON, Knute             Wantonville  
       ROTI, Peder A.              Lane   
    *  SOLBERG, A. J.              Lane  
    *  SOLBERG, Peder              Lane  
      SKAAR, J.                    Aberdeen  
    *  ANDERSON, Rasmus            La Crosse  
       BERGE, Mathias J.           Iola  
       CASPERSON, Marie            Ferryville  
       DAVIK, Jorgen               Soldiers Grove  
       HORN, Rasmus J.             Ettrick  
    *  KNUTSON, Louis              La Crosse  
    *  KNUTSON, Mrs. Louis         La Crosse  
    *  MELAND, Rasmus              Lodi  
    *  NORD, Johannes E.           Rice Lake  
    *  SOREIDE, A. B.              Menominee  
       TUNNOL, M. O.               Blair  
       VEDVIK, Hans                Lynxville  

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